Leadership Competency Framework Self Assessment Step 1 of 26 3% IntroductionThe aim of this self-assessment exercise is to support those applying to the Aspiring Chief Executive Programme cohort 5 & 6 to spend some time reflecting on their suitability and readiness for the programme based on the NHS Board Level Competency Framework. This will be completed as part of your preparation for the Assessment Centre and will be made available for panel members to help inform questions. Before completing this self-assessment, please take some time to review the Board Level Leadership Competency Framework to better understand the competencies that sit within the six leadership competency domains. Please reflect on your level of competency against these domains. We don’t expect applicants to meet all competency areas rather the aim is to allow applicants to reflect on their suitability for the programme and identify areas for development. Please read the paragraph on what ‘good’ looks like for each competency domain and reflect on your leadership and indicate to what extent you demonstrate this competency area. Please work through all of the competency domains and select how often you demonstrate the relevant competency in the ways outlined, based on a scale of: Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate You are not asked to provide examples during the self assessment however you may wish to think about examples for the Competency Based Interview at the assessment centre. The self assessment will take you between 20-30 minutes to complete. You will receive an email confirmation once you have submitted the form. You will receive a copy of your report before Monday 17 June Personal detailsFirst nameLast nameOrganisation nameJob titleWhich region do you work in? North West North East and Yorkshire Midlands East of England London South West South East Academy IDPlease enter your 10 digit Academy ID number.Email Domain 1: Driving high quality, sustainable outcomesWhat good looks like I am a member of a unitary board which is committed to ensuring excellence in the delivery (and / or the commissioning) of high quality and safe care within our limited resources, including our workforce. I seek to ensure that my organisation* demonstrates continual improvement and that we strive to meet the standards expected by our patients and communities, as well as by our commissioners and regulators, by increasing productivity and bringing about better health and care outcomes with lasting change and improvement. * All references to “organisation” also refer to systems for board members of integrated care boards.1. I contribute as a leader:1a. to ensure that my organisation delivers the best possible care for patients Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate 1b. to ensure that my organisation creates the culture, capability and approach for continuous improvement, applied systematically across the organisation Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate Domain 1: Driving high quality, sustainable outcomes 2. I assess and understand:2a. the performance of my organisation and ensure that, where required, actions are taken to improve Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate 2b. the importance of efficient use of limited resources and seek to maximise: i. productivity and value for money ii. delivery of high quality and safe services at population level Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate 2c. the need for a balanced and evidence-based approach in the context of the board’s risk appetite when considering innovative solutions and improvements Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate Domain 1: Driving high quality, sustainable outcomes 3. I recognise and champion the importance of: 3a. attracting, developing and retaining an excellent and motivated workforce Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate 3b. building diverse talent pipelines and ensuring appropriate succession plans are in place for critical roles Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate 3c. retaining staff with key skills and experience in the NHS, supporting flexible working options as appropriate Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate Domain 1: Driving high quality, sustainable outcomes 4. I personally:4a. seek out and act on performance feedback and review, and continually build my own skills and capability Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate 4b. model behaviours that demonstrate my willingness to learn and improve, including undertaking relevant training Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate Domain 2: Setting strategy and delivering long term transformationWhat good looks like? I am a member of a unitary board leading the development of strategies which deliver against the needs of people using our services, as well as statutory duties and national and local system priorities. We set strategies for long term transformation that benefits the whole system and reflects best practice, including maximising the opportunities offered by digital technology. We use relevant data and take quality, performance, finance, workforce intelligence and proven innovation and improvement processes into account when setting strategy.1. I contribute as a leader to:1a. the development of strategy that meets the needs of patients and communities, as well as statutory duties, national and local system priorities Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate 1b. ensure there is a long-term strategic focus while delivering short-term objectives Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate 1c. ensure that our strategies are informed by the political, economic, social and technological environment in which the organisation operates Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate 1d. ensure effective prioritisation within the resources available when setting strategy and help others to do the same Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate Domain 2: Setting strategy and delivering long term transformation 2. I assess and understand:2a. the importance of continually understanding the impact of the delivery of strategic plans, including through quality and inequalities impact assessments Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate 2b. the need to include evaluation and monitoring arrangements for key financial, quality and performance indicators as part of developing strategy Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate 2c. clinical best practice, regulation, legislation, national and local priorities, risk and financial implications when developing strategies and delivery plans Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate Domain 2: Setting strategy and delivering long term transformation 3. I recognise and champion the importance of long-term transformation that:3a. benefits the whole system Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate 3b. promotes workforce reform Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate 3c. incorporates the adoption of proven improvement and safety approaches Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate 3d. takes data and digital innovation and other technology developments into account Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate Domain 2: Setting strategy and delivering long term transformation 4. I personally:4a. listen with care to the views of the public, staff and people who use services, and support the organisation to develop the appropriate engagement skills to do the same Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate 4b. seek out and use new insights on current and future trends and use evidence, research and innovation to help inform strategies Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate Domain 3: Promoting equality and inclusion, and reducing health inequalitiesWhat good looks like? I am a member of a unitary board which identifies, understands and addresses variation and inequalities in the quality of care and outcomes to ensure there are improved services and outcomes for all patients and communities, including our workforce, and continued improvements to health and workforce inequalities.1. I contribute as a leader to:1a. improve population health outcomes and reduce health inequalities by improving access, experience and the quality of care Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate 1b. ensure that resource deployment takes account of the need to improve equity of health outcomes with measurable impact and identifiable outcomes Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate 1c. reduce workforce inequalities and promote inclusive and compassionate leadership across all staff groups Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate Domain 3: Promoting equality and inclusion, and reducing health inequalities 2. I assess and understand:2a. the need to work in partnership with other boards and organisations across the system to improve population health and reduce health inequalities (linked to Domain 6) Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate Domain 3: Promoting equality and inclusion, and reducing health inequalities 3. I recognise and champion:3a. the need for the board to consider population health risks as well as organisational and system risks Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate Domain 3: Promoting equality and inclusion, and reducing health inequalities 4. I personally:4a. demonstrate social and cultural awareness and work professionally and thoughtfully with people from all backgrounds Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate 4b. encourage challenge to the way I lead and use this to continually improve my approaches to equality, diversity and inclusion and reducing health and workforce inequalities Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate Domain 4: Providing robust governance and assuranceWhat good looks like? I understand my responsibilities as a board member and how we work together as a unitary board to reach collective agreement on our approach and decisions. We use a variety of information sources and data to assure our financial performance, quality and safety frameworks, workforce arrangements and operational delivery. We are visible throughout the organisation and our leadership is underpinned by the organisation’s behaviours, values and standards. We are seen as a Well Led organisation and we understand the vital importance of working collaboratively.1. I contribute as a leader by:1a. working collaboratively on the implementation of agreed strategies Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate 1b. participating in robust and respectful debate and constructive challenge to other board members Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate 1c. being bound by collective decisions based on objective evaluation of research, evidence, risks and options Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate 1d. contributing to effective governance and risk management arrangements Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate 1e. contributing to evaluation and development of board effectiveness Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate Domain 4: Providing robust governance and assurance 2. I understand board member responsibilities and my individual contribution in relation to:2a. financial performance Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate 2b. establishing and maintaining arrangements to meet statutory duties, national and local system priorities Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate 2c. delivery of high quality and safe care Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate 2d. continuous, measurable improvement Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate Domain 4: Providing robust governance and assurance 3. I assess and understand:3a. the level and quality of assurance from the board’s committees and other sources Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate 3b. where I need to challenge other board members to provide evidence and assurance on risks and how they impact decision making Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate 3c. how to proactively monitor my organisation’s risks through the use of the Board Assurance Framework, the risk management strategy and risk appetite statements Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate 3d. the use of intelligence and data from a variety of sources to recognise and identify early warning signals and risks Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate Domain 4: Providing robust governance and assurance 4. I recognise and champion:4a. the need to triangulate observations from direct engagement with staff, patients and service users, and engagement with stakeholders Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate 4b. working across systems, particularly in responding to patient safety incidents, and an understanding of how this links with continuous quality improvement Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate Domain 4: Providing robust governance and assurance 5. I personally:5a. understand the individual and collective strengths of the board, and I use my personal and professional knowledge and experience to contribute at the board and support others to do the same Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate Domain 5: Creating a compassionate, just and positive cultureWhat good looks like? As a board member I contribute to the development and ongoing maintenance of a compassionate and just learning culture, where staff are empowered to be involved in decision making and work effectively for their patients, communities and colleagues. As a member of the board, we are each committed to continually improving our approach to quality improvement, including taking a proactive approach and culture.1. I contribute as a leader:1a. to develop a supportive, just and positive culture across the organisation (and system) to enable all staff to work effectively for the benefit of patients, communities and colleagues Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate 1b. to ensure that all staff can take ownership of their work and contribute to meaningful decision making and improvement Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate 1c. to improve staff engagement, experience and wellbeing in line with our NHS People Promise Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate 1d. to ensure there is a safe culture of speaking up for our workforce Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate Domain 5: Creating a compassionate, just and positive culture 2. I assess and understand:2a. my role in leading the organisation’s approach to improving quality, from immediate safety responses to creating a proactive and improvement-focused culture Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate Domain 5: Creating a compassionate, just and positive culture 3. I recognise and champion:3a. being respectful and I promote diversity and inclusion in my work Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate 3b. the ability to respond effectively in times of crisis or uncertainty Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate Domain 5: Creating a compassionate, just and positive culture 4. I personally:4a. demonstrate visible, compassionate and inclusive leadership Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate 4b speak up against any form of racism, discrimination, bullying, aggression, sexual misconduct or violence, even when I might be the only voice Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate 4c. challenge constructively, speaking up when I see actions and behaviours which are inappropriate and lead to staff or people using services feeling unsafe; or staff or people being excluded in any way or treated unfairly Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate 4d. promote flexible working where possible and use data at board level to monitor impact on staff wellbeing and retention Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate Domain 6: Building trusted relationships with partners and communitiesWhat good looks like? I am part of a board that recognises the need to collaborate, consult and co-produce with colleagues in neighbouring teams, providers and systems, people using services, our communities and our workforce. We are seen as leading an organisation that proactively works to strengthen relationships and develop collaborative behaviours to support working together effectively in an integrated care environment.1. I contribute as a leader by:1a. fostering productive partnerships and harnessing opportunities to build and strengthen collaborative working, including with regulators and external partners Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate 1b. identifying and communicating the priorities for financial, access and quality improvement, working with system partners to align our efforts where the need for improvement is greatest Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate Domain 6: Building trusted relationships with partners and communities 1. I assess and understand:2a. the need to demonstrate continued curiosity and develop knowledge to understand and learn about the different parts of my own and other systems Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate 2b. the need to seek insight from patient, carer, staff and public groups across different parts of the system, including Patient Safety Partners Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate Domain 6: Building trusted relationships with partners and communities 3. I recognise and champion:3a. management, and transparent sharing, of organisational and system level information about financial and other risks, concerns and issues Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate 3b. open and constructive communication with all system partners to share a common purpose, vision and strategy Almost always Frequently Occasionally Rarely or never No chance to demonstrate